Toga! Toga! Toga! Gala
Apr 21, 2018
The Catastrophic Theatre and our fabulous co-chairs
Dana Kantalis, Jeff Shell, and Milton Townsend
Toga! Toga! Toga! An Evening of Dionysian Delights
APRIL 21, 2018
Theatre was born from the wild and raucous Dionysia festival in ancient Greece. For our gala this year The Catastrophic Theatre is paying homage to its origins with an evening of Dionysian delights. Unleash your inner god, goddess, or mythological creature be it Zeus, Aphrodite, a satyr, a siren, or the infamous partier himself, Dionysus, god of wine, ritual madness, fertility, and THEATRE!
Lounge about consuming delicious Greek food and copious amounts of wine while being fanned by beautiful, glittering, scantily clad attendants. Live entertainment will be provided by a kick-ass soul & party hits cover band, so come get crazy with us on the dance floor, Animal House style!
Toga! Toga! Toga! It’s a veritable orgy of FUN!
Toga! Toga! Toga! Underwriting Levels
- Early bird: $75 general admission single ticket. LIMITED SUPPLY. Get these while they last!
- Satyr & Nymph: $100 general admission single ticket
- Orpheus & Eurydice: $150 (host committee ticket, includes Special V.I.P. Hour)
- Cyclops & Medusa: $500 (admission for 4, Special V.I.P. Hour)
- Jason & the Argonauts: $1500 (admission for 10, Special V.I.P. Hour, plus tickets to Catastrophic productions)
- Aphrodite & Apollo: $2500 (includes all of the above plus special invitation to Catatstophic VIP events)
- Zeus & Hera: $5000 (includes all of the above plus souvenir photos)
- Bluto, D-Day, Otter, Pinto, & Flounder: $10,000 (all of the above plus your very post-gala brunch with Catastrophic all-stars)
or call Tamarie Cooper at 713-522-2723 ext 4
Can’t attend but still want to support our gala?

*Special V.I.P. Hour at 7pm for all host committee members and $500 & above Supporter levels
The Catastrophic Theatre is a 501 (c) (3) organization. Contributions above the cash value of each ticket ($40) are tax-deductible.