LISTEN to KPFT’s Queer Voices Podcast: Interview with Lisa D’Amour

“I would say it’s definitely more of a surreal work of art, perhaps in the tradition of, say, Ionesco and Samuel Beckett … Catastrophic is very good at this kind of work. I think they really embrace plays that are strange and filled with metaphor and are really kind of reaching into your psyche is what I feel when I come to a Catastrophic play …”

LISTEN to KPFT’s Queer Voices Podcast: Interview with Candice D’Meza

“I don’t want to tell stories of oppression; there is no real path to freedom there. There’s only telling someone else’s narrative. And so, if I’m going to create a lane for myself and the people I love to exist, I have to look at the future. I have to find that thread to place them safely.”

IT IS MAGIC preview on KPFT’s Open Journal: Listen to the interview

KPFT’s Duane Bradley and Stephanie Coleman catch up with It Is Magic director Jeff Miller and actress/Catastrophic Producing Artistic Director Tamarie Cooper. LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW