What if you had a cold call from a superhero? And what if that superhero was trying to raise funds for an upcoming production of The Tempest by Shakespeare? Would you immediately hang up the phone, being careful NOT to “press 1,” or utter the word “yes”? Or would you realize that rather than a
Summer is officially here, which can only mean one thing… a new Tamarie Cooper show is playing at the MATCH facility! I am such a fanboy! She is the undisputed QUEEN OF SUMMER in Houston’s Theatre scene, and you are just not a “hip kid” unless you are there. TAMARIE’S TEXAS TOAST represents her 28th
It’s summer in Houston which means Alley Theatre will be once again putting on a Summer Chill whodunit and Tamarie Cooper will once again present her oh-so-special musical take on life and this time focus on Houston and Texas, aided by a cadre of local actors and musicians. In Tamarie’s Texas Toast, Cooper, the co-founder