Favorite Roles: It Is Magic (Deb), Happy Days (Winnie), Baby Screams Miracle (Carol), Toast (Beatrice), Small Ball (Female Reporter), Leap and the Net Will Appear (Simon), Song About Himself (Carol), Marieand Bruce (Marie), Hide Town (Miss Iva), Medea(Medea), A Soap Opera (Andrea), We Have Some Planes, Fucking A (Hester), Happy Days (Winnie), Guys and Dolls (Adelaide).
The Tamarie Cooper Show: Field Trip!by Tamarie Cooper and Patrick Reynolds (book/lyrics), Miriam Daly (music), Joe Folladori (music/lyrics),
and John Dunn (lyrics)
World Premiere
Jun 29, 2018 -
Aug 12, 2018
Thu 7:30p
Fri & Sat 8p
Sun 2:30p
Cast & Personnel
- Shanon Adams
- Brittny Bush
- Tamarie Cooper
- John Dunn
- Sara Jo Dunstan
- Xzavien Hollins
- Bryan Kaplún
- Jayden Key
- Angela Pinina
- Rebecca Randall
- Kyle Sturdivant
- Alli Villines
- Abraham Zeus Zapata
- Walt Zipprian
Scenic Design
Costume Design
Lighting Design
Video Design
Sound Design
Prop Design
Stage Manager
Booth Crew
Deck Crew
The Play
For the 21st installment in Tamarie Cooper’s series of wildly popular summer shows, Tamarie is going on a field trip. But don’t expect to board a bus and take in the sights. This is a metaphysical field trip, musical theatre style!
Go along for the ride as Tamarie questions the meaning of life, unpacks personal baggage, voyages to a land of discarded ideas and plays $100,000 pyramid with Friedrich Nietzsche. Throw original songs and tap-dancing into the mix plus impotent rage, Gwyneth Paltrow, vodka, ennui, leftover seafood nachos, a rocking band, a cast of crazies and journey with us through this summer’s funniest existential crisis.
(No permission slip required!)
The Tamarie Cooper Show: Field Trip! is the 21st installment of the Tamarie Cooper juggernaut. Since 1996, Tamarie has wowed Houston audiences almost every summer with an entirely original, full-scale, musical comedy extravaganza – filled to the brim with songs and gags and hi-jinx from some of Houston’s funniest theatre artists. Tamarie’s shows truly are a unique, and uniquely Houstonian, phenomenon. Get your tickets fast. This one always sells out in advance.
The Playwrights
Tamarie is the Producing Artistic Director of The Catastrophic Theatre. She has been performing her entire life. She co-founded The Catastrophic Theatre in 2007 with longtime collaborator and dear friend, Jason Nodler. Originally trained in dance, she began working in theatre at HSPVA and helped to found Infernal Bridegroom Productions in 1993, where she worked for fourteen years. She is a seasoned actor, director, designer, choreographer, and occasional writer, with over 90 production credits with IBP and The Catastrophic Theatre. Tamarie is best known for her original musicals, which enjoy highly successful runs and a cult-like following in Houston. Tamarie has been featured in national trade magazine Stage Directions, named “Best Female Actor” in Outsmart Magazine‘s annual Gayest and Greatest Readers’ Choice Awards and has received various “Best of Houston” awards from The Houston Press and The Houston Chronicle for her performances, direction, and original work.
Directing credits: Tamarie's Texas Toast, Tamarie’s Totally True Revue, Tamarie Cooper’s Live In-Person Sticky Sweet Summer Show, Drama Squad, Tamarie Cooper’s Golden Jubilee!,Tamarie Cooper’s Holiday Super Show!, Tamarie Cooper’s 2020: Quarantine Edition!, Tragedy: a tragedy, Speeding Motorcycle (co-directed with Jason Nodler), Tamarie Cooper’s Field Trip, Small Ball (co-directed with Jason Nodler), Tamarie’s Evening of Mistakes and Regrets, Rhinoceros(2017), Trevor, Tamarie for President (Greatest Hits, Volume 2),The University of Tamarie, A Very Tamarie Christmas, Tamarie Cooper’sOld as Hell!, Tamarie Cooper’s Doomsday Revue, The United StatesofTamarie, Tamarie Cooper’s Journey to the Center of my Brain (in 3D!), The TamarieCooper Show, Twenty Love Songs, Uncle Vanya, Tamalalia X: The Greatest Hits Show, Tamalalia 9: Face Your Fears, Tamalalia 8: Tamarie Goes to Hollywood, Rhinoceros (2003), Tamalalia 7: The Love Show, Tamarie’s Gin Jar Jamboree, Tamalalia 2000, Tamalalia 4: The Campout, Tamalalia 3: The Cocktail Party, Tamalalia 2: The Bus Show, Tamalalia!
PATRICK REYNOLDS Patrick is a graduate of the Second City Writing Program in Chicago and holds a B.A. in History from the University of Houston. He co-wrote Tamarie Goes to Hollywood with Paul Locklear. He wrote the book for Tamarie Cooper: Journey to the Center of My Brain in 3-D!, The United States Of Tamarie: An All-American Revue (Made in China), Tamarie Cooper’s Doomsday Revue (The Greatest Musical Ever!), Tamarie Cooper’s Old as Hell, The University of Tamarie, A Very Tamarie Christmas, and The Tamarie Cooper Show: Field Trip! Additional credits for the Catastrophic Theatre include the St. Arnold’s Brewery promos.
MIRIAM DALY has been involved in the arrangement, composition, and sometimes direction and performance of music in Tamarie's shows since The United States of Tamarie. She composed the music for the 2013 Houston Shakespeare Festival: Mother Courage and Her Children at the University of Houston. College of The Mainland: The Kitchen Witches; Red Herring. Unity Theatre: It's A Wonderful Life: A Radio Play. Other theaters she has worked at in Houston include Stages, Main Street Theater, Theater LaB Houston, Slightly Off-Center Players and HITS. While living in NYC, she was a long time music director of the Off-Broadway smash Tony 'n Tina’s Wedding, and has also played at NYC venues Don’t Tell Mama, The Duplex, La Mama, and The Producer’s Club II. She has also worked for TheatreWorks USA, First Stage Milwaukee, Mac-Hayden Theatre, TADA!, the Virginia Avenue Project and Stagedoor Manor. She was a 2007 recipient of NYC’s The York Theatre's "New Emerging Outstanding Artist" award for her work as a composer. She is a graduate of Eastman School of Music and NYU’s Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program for which she received a full scholarship.
JOE FOLLADORI has done, and will continue to do so.
Photo Sets
Field Trip! Production Photos
[Tamarie Cooper has] stage presence to spare – she might as well carry her own klieg light.
— D.L. Groover, Houston Press