Miss LaRaj’s House of Dystopian Futures
World Premiere
Feb 7, 2025 -
Mar 1, 2025
Cast & Personnel
Original Music
- Dillon Dewitt
- Indigo Dewdrop Ghonima
- Brandon McCormick
- Jarred Tettey
- Magdalen Kay Vaughn
- Abraham Zeus Zapata
Voice and Digital Appearance
Scenic Design
Costume Design
Lighting Design
Video Design
Video Programmer
Sound Design
Prop Design
Makeup Artist
Production Manager
Stage Manager
Intimacy Coordinator
Deck Crew
Set Construction
The Play
In a world where civilization and the environment that birthed it has been decimated by myriad human-made cruelties, the question remains: will humans ever learn?
In this post-apocalyptic riff on “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” Fred’s long since gone and Nature itself is now the main character. Enter Miss LaRaj—our wise and wisecracking MUTHA of the New World Order.
Talking trees, judgmental rocks, all natural forces sing and move, attempting to guide humankind back to true symbiosis. And what better way to learn than from a kid’s show? What are humans anyway if not the petulant children of this planet?
What if we used our imaginations?
World Premiere.
The Playwright
CANDICE D'MEZA is a mother of three, actor, writer, filmmaker, and multi-disciplinary artist whose writing and acting work has been featured in American Theatre Magazine, The Acentos Review, The Houston Chronicle, HoustoniaMag, and the Houston Press. As an actor, Candice is a proud member of the Actor’s Equity Union and has acted with The Catastrophic Theatre, The Ensemble Theatre, Rec Room, and The Alley Theatre. She has been called a “Houston Theater Actor To Watch” and awarded four awards, including the 2018 Best Utility Player Award, by the Houston Press. Her writing-- using forms of memoir, prose, and playwriting--focuses on topics of grief and joy, restorative justice, abolition, and liberation as viewed through the Black Imagination--the mixing of science fiction, African and African Diasporic folklore, and afrofuturism. Her one-woman show FATHERLAND combines Haitian Vodou spirituality and personal memoir with experimental film and ritual theater into a multimedia layered performance that is a deeply vulnerable exploration into the grief that comes from disconnection: disconnection from family, from culture, from homelands. Her ongoing work 30 WAYS TO GET FREE is a series of micro-plays that explore, via sci-fi, African folklore, afrofuturism, magical surrealism, and speculative fiction, the unlimited ways that Black people across the African Diaspora may triumphantly enter into a free world of our own imagining. To date, selected pieces have been published in The Acentos Review, produced as commissioned plays by the Latinx Playwrights Circle in New York, and produced as short films by The Catastrophic Theatre. Her newest project, a commission by DiverseWorks in Houston, TX is a community created multi-disciplinary public performance to honor the legacy of the Sugarland 95--the 95 bodies of Black convict leased inmates who died between 1897-1907, found in unmarked graves in Sugarland, Texas. To discover more about her work, visit www.candicedmeza.com
In the Media
An Innovative Theatrical Voice Speaks with Her Heart
February 17, 2025 |
Houston Chronicle
| Chris Vognar
Katy-based playwright Candice D’Meza embraces the elements of the Earth for ‘Miss LaRaj’s House of Dystopian Futures”
February 8, 2025 |
Broadway World
| Brett Cullum
Mother Nature has nothing nice to say about you! But she loves Candice!
Candice D’Meza and “Miss LaRaj’s House of Dystopian Futures”
February 7, 2025 |
| Chris Becker
Like any great playwright, from Shakespeare to George C. Wolfe, she understands laughter is serious business, as serious as your life.
Miss Laraj’s House of Dystopian Futures: What if Humans Weren’t in Charge?
January 31, 2025 |
Houston Press
| Margaret Downing
Miss Laraj’s House of Dystopian Futures asks the audience to see nature as the driving force of everything.
LISTEN to KPFT’s Queer Voices Podcast: Interview with Candice D’Meza
January 29, 2025 |
| Brett Cullum
“I don’t want to tell stories of oppression; there is no real path to freedom there. There’s only telling someone else’s narrative. And so, if I’m going to create a lane for myself and the people I love to exist, I have to look at the future. I have to find that thread to place them safely.”