Margaret Downing

Miss Laraj’s House of Dystopian Futures: What if Humans Weren’t in Charge?

Miss Laraj’s House of Dystopian Futures asks the audience to see nature as the driving force of everything.

IT IS MAGIC at Catastrophic Set to Create Its Own Brand of the Eerie

In rehearsal for It Is Magic by Mickle Maher at Catastrophic Photo by Bryan Kaplún
In rehearsal for “It Is Magic” by Mickle Maher at Catastrophic Photo by Bryan Kapún

Preview: Dreams of Escape at Eddie Goes to Poetry City on Stage at Catastrophic Theatre

There’s something about avant-garde playwright Richard Foreman’s work that actor/director/designer Greg Dean finds deeply moving and funny.

Catastrophic Theatre Brings Back Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days Once Again

It’s the 30th anniversary of Catastrophic Theatre (if you include their previous incarnation as Infernal Bridegroom Productions) and what could be more appropriate than a Samuel Beckett existential play at the Houston theater known for its avant garde tradition.